I’ve been posting a lot of the negatives about competing in a bodybuilding competition but I think that’s simply because I really don’t want to do one. There is clearly a part of me that feels that it would be good thing. Who doesn’t want a photo of themselves looking slightly better than their best? They don’t look like that any other time any way.
I think of myself as a pretty ordinary guy. I am not genetically gifted. I am not “Shredded” and I have had to work for what I do have (whatever you consider me to be). Not to slam all the “genetically gifted” trainers out there, but what are you going to learn from somebody who was simply born muscular, strong and lean? They aren’t going to learn from personal experience. They could certainly learn from years of finding what does and doesn’t work with their clientele though. And that is why I don’t intend to slam ALL “genetically gifted” trainers. No offense Mom and no offense Dad but I wasn’t given “lean” as a genetic trait. What I recommend is that you find out what you were given. I was given size and strength. I don’t have to work that hard to gain muscularity. I just have to work hard to keep the fat off and it isn’t incredibly easy. One of my major pet peeves is when people confuse the difference between the words can’t and won’t. I won’t let myself use genetics as an excuse to fail.
Thanks for reading.
YourFit Personal Training
Looking for people to compete in our Feb 6th - May 7th Body Transformation Competition. The winner gets a $350 Visa Gift Card, 20% off the following competition and their name engraved on the competition plaque.
The Ultimate goal is to have 2 teams and 2 trainers compete against each other with a financial prize at stake for the competitors and the trainer. Win-Win.
7:40-Steamed Broccoli, Cauliflower and Chicken Breast9:00-Roasted Salted Almonds 12-4- 209-13.1- (Can vary daily because bioelectric impedence measures an electric impulse and electricity flows through water and muscle quickly-you can fudge the test by drinking fluids) The YourFit Body Transformation Competition we run uses both weight and Bioelectric impedence so individuals cannot fudge both tests.) It would hurt the contestants to show up over hydrated as well as under hydrated.7:30-Thermogenic Oxy5001
7:45-8:30- 45 Minute walk 2.3 miles (little slower-stiff left leg)
8:45-Scoop of Whey Protein Powder, Multivitamin, Acidophilus, Bowl of Quinoa and Piece of Whole wheat bread with natural PB11:00 Kids Hockey Practice
12:15-Chicken Breast Sandwich with Miracle whip light, black olives, lettuce, banana peppers, salt and pepper. (Can’t beat Subway but we try.)12:45-Neurocore (preworkout supplement)
1:15-Chest, Shoulders and Tricep Workout-Sore longer lately which is making me contemplate switching up my legs/pull/push/- legs/pull/push (no days off) schedule-probably a combination of subconsciously working harder (because of the blog/contest) and eating a little bit less slowing recovery.2:50-3:20-30 minute walk 1.57 miles
3:30-14 oz Lactaid and scoop of Whey Protein slice of whole wheat bread with natural pb3:30-5:00-Sledding with the kids
5:45-Grapefruit6:00-Dinner-Chicken Stir Fry-Chicken Breast-Cauliflower, Broccoli8:30-Steamed Veggies, Salted Roasted Almonds, Chicken Breast-a lot of snacking as you can see but I was pretty hungry. By the way the Multi-Vitamin is Dr Shultz’s Super Food (ground up veggies etc-tastes terrible-great for you)
12-5- 209- 15.8%
5:30-Thermogenic (Oxy5001)
6:15-7:00- 45minute Walk on Treadmill 2.25 miles
7:15-14oz Lactaid and a scoop of Whey Protein with a Clif Bar
8:30-Group Fitness Class
9:30- Client
10:00- Hemo Rage (Preworkout supplement) and Scoop of Whey Protein.
7:30-Group Fitness Class
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