Saturday, December 10, 2011

Planning ahead.

     I have a busy day tomorrow (Sunday). So I did my weeks worth of cooking today. This time it was a bit easier though because I simply had to steam the veggies and throw the Chicken on the Foreman grill. I still have plenty of brown rice and sweet potatoes. I put two bags of chicken tenderloin in a bowl with extra virgin olive oil and I salt and pepper them. I let it sit for a few minutes then I start grilling.

     I mentioned a few days back that I am not really into pushing protein. This is primarily because when my body has too much of it I quickly become uncomfortable (gassy). Right now I have been increasing how much I take in the form of powders because that isn’t happening. My body seems to be using every bit of what I give it. Another positive with extra protein is that it also CAN increase metabolism. In order for your body to use it as an energy source (hopefully it goes towards repairing and building muscle first) it has to convert it to glucose which takes energy to do.
5:20-Power went out so I flooded the backyard ice rink. Power came back about 5:55 and I was on the treadmill at about 6:05.
6:05-7:00 52 Minute walk 2.75 miles
7:05-Lactaid and Scoop of Whey Protein. Multivitamin and acidophilus.
8:30-Group Fitness Class
11:45-Chicken sandwich (whole wheat, pickles, miracle whip, salt and pepper) macadamia nut clif bar (probably didn’t need that.)
12:30-Scoop of whey protein and bis and tris workout
5:30-Scoop of Whey Protein and Chicken Breast, Steamed Vegetables.
6:00-Group Fitness Class
7:30-Scoop of Whey Protein and Chicken Tenderloin
7:45-9:00-Fire at the neighbors.
10:00-Scoop of Whey Protein and a couple pieces of broccoli and cauliflower.

     I usually set my alarm for 5:30 but because I had a 7:30 Client I set it for 5:00 so I had time to do my cardio. Serendipitous because the power went out at about 5:15 or so. I did  a few things and then the power came back in time for me to finish my cardio.

12/10- 205-14.7%
6:15-Cardio-60 minute walk on treadmill 3.21 miles
7:20-14 oz Lactaid and Scoop of Whey Protein, multivitamin and 1 billion acidophilus
9:15-Oatmeal and Scoop of Whey Protein
9:30-Pre workout
10:00-Abs and Calves
12:00-Scoop of Whey Protein Chicken Tenderloins wrapped in lettuce
5:15-Broccoli and Cauliflower
9:15-Scoop of Whey Protein and 2 chicken tenderloins

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