Thursday, December 8, 2011

Registration was sent yesterday.

I suppose it’s time to start thinking about the positive effects of competing in this competition. I did send in my registration yesterday. It should be good for business to show people what I can do for myself as well as them. I should be successful because I have a complete gym/studio in my basement. I have family and clients that are extremely supportive and will help hold me accountable.

This Competition is a drug free competition by the way. There are blood tests as well as polygraph tests.

I don't have much else to say today.
Thanks for reading.
YourFit Personal Training

12/7- 208-15.7%
6:00-7:00- 60 Minute walk on treadmill- 3 miles (had a slight headache as I went to bed and no change overnight. I woke up with it but I did my cardio anyway. I did take 2-ibuprofen halfway through cardio)
7:10- Lactaid and Scoop of whey Protein and 1 billion acidophilus-I took my super food multivitamin first or I would have “forgotten” again.
7:00-Drank 16oz water during cardio.
8:15-PB Clif Bar
9:30-Neurocore preworkout supplement and a scoop of whey protein.
10:00-Shoulder workout- Shoulder Presses, Lateral Raises, Rear Delt Raises, upright rows for the front of the shoulder (this is typically an overworked muscle so I haven’t done an exercise specifically for it in years. It is involved in every pushing motion so it is worked quite a bit. I need every edge I can get though especially with my left leg numbness.)
11:00-Finished another 16 oz water during lifting session.
12:00-16oz Water
12:15-Chicken Breast, Brown Rice, Steamed Veggies, 2 pieces of Natural PB whole wheat Toast
3:15Chicken Breast Sandwich-Pickles and Miracle Whip light and Macadamia Nut Clif Bar
6:00-Roasted Salted Almonds, Powerade and scoop of Whey protein
7:30-Group Fitness Class

12/8- 204- 14% 22 weeks until competition ( Competition diet begins at 12 weeks -8-10% is where I‘d like to be at that point)
6:15-7:15-60 Minute walk 3.1 miles
7:20-Lactaid and Scoop of whey protein, multivitamin, acidophilus.
8:25-Macadamia Clif Bar-trying to eat more early
9:30-Preworkout- and flooded backyard Ice Rink- Oh yeah.
10:00-Brown Rice and Chicken Tenderloin-still trying to eat more early.
1015:-Leg Workout-32 oz water completed-Scoop of Whey Protein towards end of workout.
12:00-Macadamia Nut Clif Bar
1:00-Sweet Potato and Chicken Tenderloin
1:10-Thermogenic-still cutting off caffeine around 1:00
3:00-Handful of Roasted Salted Almonds
3:30-Apple and a half scoop of whey protein
7:15-Handful of Roasted Salted Almonds
9:00-Scoop of Whey Protein

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