Saturday, December 3, 2011

Competition Blog number 2

More Concerns about the Bodybuilding Competition
-Permanent changes to metabolism and Body
- Getting addicted to it and “Becoming” a bodybuilder.
- I preach “Lifestyle” over losing weight for an occasion because what happens after said “Occasion”?  Most people put the weight back on.
-Feeling that 5% Bodyfat should be the new norm. In other words I don't want to feel disappointed when the body fat goes back to normal levels when the competition is over. Yo-yo dieting does effect the metabolism and preparing for a contest is a yo-yo because nobody is going to stay at 5% Body Fat.

Possibility- I just work towards a scheduled photo shoot with CTRyan Photography.

YourFit Personal Training set a new 1 month record for business in November by about $200. I appreciate everyone that helped us attain that mark as well as those that will remain when we surpass it.
-We will also soon double our 2010 income total. In order for us to again double our previous year (2011) we will need to average what we brought in during November throughout 2012.

Blogging about my food intake has definitely affected at least one decision. I don't know what I would have chosen instead but when I remembered the blog I decided to have some a bowl of Kashi cereal instead. Tomorrow I am going to give Quinoa a try for breakfast replacing my morning bowl of cereal.

Thanks for reading.
YourFit Personal Training

8:15-Kashi Go lean Crunch Berry Crumble8:30 Client
9:45-MultiVitamin Acidophilus, Hemo Rage
10:15-Workout- Abs, Forearms Calves (Maybe should be a day off ….but nope)
1 Scoop Whey Protein-I am not a big “protein” supplement pusher but It has BCAA’s which are good for hanging onto lean tissue, and I don’t have any BCAA’s right now.Half Chicken Breast, Sweet Potato and Grapefruit. Half PB Clif Bar1:00-Thermogenic(Oxy5001)-Cutting off caffeine at 1:00 usually I cut it off at 2-3:00
1:30-2:15-Cardio-Walk on Treadmill-45 minutes-2.3 miles
Honey Crisp Apple, Brown Rice and a scoop of Whey Protein4:00-Client
PB Clif Bar5:00-Client-
Chicken Breast, Steamed Carrots, Broccoli and Cauliflower7:30-Client-
Broccoli and Cauliflower, Almonds
5:30-Thermogenic- oxy5001
6:15- Cup of coffee
Kashi Berry Crumble Cereal7:30- Client
8:30-Group Fitness Class
Kashi Cereal10:30-Client
11:15-Hemo Rage (Preworkout supplement)
12:00-Leg Workout-Walking Lunges/Cart Hamstrings and Ball Leg Curls/Leg Ext.
1:30-2:15-Walk on Treadmill- little faster than normal, slight limp, 2.5 miles.
Scoop of whey protein/BCAA’sChicken Breast and Sweet Potato- Didn’t salt4:00-Client
Lettuce wrapped Chicken Tacos and Steamed Carrots6:00-Group Fitness Class
Roasted Salted Almonds
12-3-205 and 15.1%?-dehydrated possibly
8:00-Oxy5001 (Thermogenic)
8:30-9:15- Cardio-Walk on Treadmill (slightly faster again-2.65 miles)
9:40-(Too long before first meal-should be within an hour or so of waking)
12:00 Client
12:30-Hemo Rage (Preworkout supplement)
1:00-Back Workout
Scoop of Whey Protein, Multivitamin, 1 billion acidophilus, and a Clif Bar. Unfortunately no real food but we’re out of cereal and I need to make a change from cereal anyway. All we have is instant oatmeal which isn’t as good as a Clif Bar anyway.Scoop of Whey Protein in 14 oz Lactaid 2:45-
Clif Bar During Brandons hockey scrimmage-was kind of in a fog-most likely due to not eating any “Real” food.Sweet Potato Chicken Breast6:15-Sliding with the kids for a bit
Steamed Broccoli, Cauliflower and Chicken Breast 

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