Thursday, December 1, 2011

Competiton Blog Post number 1

I am entertaining the idea of competing in a bodybuilding competition. I go back and forth hourly about whether I should do it or not. The nutrition piece will be especially difficult as things get closer. I don't consider myself a musclehead, a health nut or overly egotistical nor do I want to spend too much time with people that do fit this description. (Which is another reason I kinda don't want to do the competition...they'll be EVERYWHERE) I am a Personal Trainer but I don't think you need to be any of the above attributes to fill that role. You simply need to be health conscious. My focus as a trainer is lifestyle, not 90 day weightloss.
For the last few days I have kept track of everything I have been eating to help identify where I could use the most improvement. Each day below begins with the date, my cweight at the time and my bodyfat % as taken by bioelectrical impedence which can be off as much as 3.5%. I do not eat dairy and the cereal I typically eat for breakfast will most likely fade from the picture soon here and is also topped with lactaid.
I have identified some of my weaknesses such as doing cardio right away in the morning and excess sodium from salt that I put on foods I find to be bland. (There are plenty others) For the last 3 Sundays I have cooked several pounds of Chicken Breast, Sweet Potatoes and currently steamed vegetables that can easily be thrown in be microwave on short notice because I will not cook ahead of time otherwise. It would easily become PB toast or a bowl of cereal instead.
As for the bodybuilding piece my limitations are based upon easily observable scoliosis and assymmetry. My right side is clearly bigger than my left. I do alot of dumbbell work to keep things even but I'm pretty sure this is due to the curvature of my spine. I have had several back issues and most recently a very severe issue in July that left my left leg partially numb and still very weak. I have built up some strength but am only able to do 8 single legged calf raises with body weight. Before the injury I was able to do do 15 single legged calf raises with a 70 pound dumbbell in my hand.
Thanks for reading.
Chris Ogren
YourFit Personal Training

11/28 208 14.1%
7:30 Oxy5001-thermogenic
8:30-Kashi Go Lean Crunch with Flax and multi vitamin

9:00-1 billion acidophilus
sweet potato and chicken breast tenderloin

10:50-Hemo Rage (preworkout supp)
11:20-1:10-Leg Workout
sweet potato and 2 chicken breast tenderloins

2:00-2:45-Cardio Walk on Treadmill 2.43 miles
Grapefruit and Macadamia Nut Clif Bar multivitamin

5:00 Client
Lettuce wrapped Chicken tacos with salsa

6:30 Client
7:30 Class
Salted Roasted Almonds and powerade zero

11/29-205 12.8%
Kashi Go Lean Crunch with Flax

8:30 Group Fitness Class
9:00-Multivitamin and 1 billion acidophilus
9:15-Neurocore preworkout
9:45 Abs and Back/Bi workout
Chicken Breast and Sweet Potatoes

12:00 Client
1:15-Cardio-Walk on Treadmill 45 minutes-2.2 miles
Chicken Breast and Sweet Potato Macadamia Nut Clif Bar

3:00 Client
4:00 Client
Chicken Taco wrapped in lettuce with steamed broccoli/cauliflower/carrots

7:30 Client
8:30 Client
Powerade and Salted Roasted Almonds

11/30 208-14.7%
Macadamia Nut Clif Bar9:30 Kashi Go Lean Crunch with Flax

10:00 Hemo Rage Preworkout
10:30 Chest Shoulder and Tri Workout
Took Multivitamin and Acidophilus mid workout because I forgot.
Half Sweet Potato Half Chicken Breast and Steamed Broccoli/Cauliflower and Carrots

2:00 Client
3:10-Thermogenic (Oxy5001) and Walk on Treadmill-30 minutes
Handfull of Roasted Salted Almonds and Craisins

Dinner-Brown Rice, Steamed Broccoli, Cauliflower and carrots, Chicken Breast

6:30 Client
7:30-Group Fitness Class
Almonds Steamed Cauliflower and Broccoli and Powerade

I have mad a conscious effort to drink more water but have not been measuring my intake.

8:15- Kashi Go lean Crunch Berry Crumble
8:30 Client
9:45-MultiVitamin Acidophilus, Hemo Rage
10:15-Workout- Abs, Forearms Calves (Maybe should be a day off ….but nope)
1 Scoop Whey Protein-I am not a big “protein” supplement pusher but It has BCAA’s which are good for hanging onto lean tissue, and I don’t have any BCAA’s right now.
12:25-Half Chicken Breast, Sweet Potato and Grapefruit. Half PB Clif Bar
1:00-Thermogenic(Oxy5001)-Cutting off caffeine at 1:00 usually I cut it off at 2-3:00
1:30-Cardio-Walk on Treadmill

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