Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Mr Natural Minnesota

I didn’t get up early to do cardio today and that is something I need to do on a regular basis. I am starting to think that I should just do the Mr Natural Minnesota Competition. That’s really what this whole blog is all about anyway. I would imagine there are a few nay-sayers out there so I can shoot to prove them wrong. I will drop the form off in the mailbox tomorrow. We’re in.

I need to eat more early in the day. I am noticeably more hungry after my workouts and in the evening.
I am not recovering from my workouts (Could be not eating enough but I don’t think that’s the case)  {Later-....after looking at my past two days I actually do think it's the case}
so I am switching to Monday- Chest, Tuesday-Back, Wednesday-Shoulders, Thursday-Legs, Friday-Tris and Bis, Saturday- Abs and Cardio, Sunday-Off/Long Cardio
YourFit Personal Training is 94.8% of the way to doubling 2010 Income.

Why Preworkout Supplements?- Beta Alanine-(delays lactic acid accumulation allowing you to perform more reps without the burning sensation), Creatine (Increases ATP-Fuel which allows you to complete an extra few reps before you run out of ATP), Arginine (Increases Blood flow to working muscle by dilating blood vessels), Caffeine (c’mon it’s caffeine).

Additional Concern $$- $200/month on supplements to give myself a competitive edge. Do I need them? No not necessarily but they would help me a great deal.

Mostly Amazon.com Prices.
Fish Oil
Whey $30

12-5- 209- 15.8%
5:30-Thermogenic (Oxy5001)
6:15-7:00- 45 minute Walk on Treadmill 2.25 miles
7:15-14oz Lactaid and a scoop of Whey Protein with a Clif Bar
8:30-Group Fitness Class
9:30- Client
10:00- Hemo Rage (Preworkout supplement) and Scoop of Whey Protein and Multi Vitamin.
10:30-Abs and 30 minute walk
12:15- Chicken Breast, Brown Rice and Steamed Veggies
3:00-Chicken Breast and Sweet Potato, 2 Pieces of whole wheat bread with natural PB.
6:00-Chicken Breast Sandwich
7:30-Group Fitness Class

12-6-209 15.9% (I drank quite a bit of water and took test again. It dropped to 13.9%)
7:30- Thermogenic, Acidophilus
8:15-Scoop of Whey Protein, 2 Pieces if whole wheat toast with natural PB
8:30- Group Fitness Class
9:45-Hemo Rage (Preworkout)
10:15- Back Workout-(multivitamin during workout)
11:00-Client-lifted with client
12:15-1:15-Cardio (Walk on Treadmill) 3.15 Miles
2:30-Chicken Breast, Brown rice, steamed carrots, 2 pieces of whole wheat toast with natural pb
5:15-Chicken Breast
10:00-Roasted Salted Almonds, Steamed Broccoli and Cauliflower.
- Casein $23
-$23 CLA-$18-first out
s- $20
- $15
- $20-Zantrex/Oxyelite Pro/Oxy 5001
-$25-Hemo Rage/ Jack 3d/Neurocore

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